→ Start at Basic Gameplay, and continue reading from there. If you’re a new Bard, or one who didn’t play during Stormblood… Read it with a fresh eye once you hit the cap! It doesn’t spend any time on optimization below level 80. → Read Basic Gameplay, but note that this guide is entirely written from the perspective of a level 80 Bard.

If you’re in the middle of leveling Bard… It covers the basics of what it feels like to play Bard (hint: comfy). Move accordingly to avoid the Deathly Ray and AoEs.→ Read Basic Gameplay. At the same time, AoE circles will appear around the arena.There is no indication as to which direction Therion will fire this laser, so move accordingly if you are hit by it. Deathly Ray (Therion): The boss will fire a laser down the length of the arena in a random direction.There is no indication as to which side will fire first, so the healer should be prepared to bring the party's health back up after this attack. Shortly after, the other side will do the same. After a short delay, the masks will fire a laser across the sides of the arena. Deathly Ray (Sides): Masks will spawn in alternating positions on the sides of the arena.As the boss moves, the section behind it will additionally be engulfed in flame, further reducing the moveable area of the arena. Therion Charge: Therion will create a proximity AoE at his location before quickly charging a short distance down the arena.During this attack, don't stand on a pink platform. From the second Apokalypsis on, the small platforms will turn pink after this attack, indicating that they will crumble the next time Apokalypsis is used.Move to the small platforms on either side of the arena to avoid this attack, but be careful not to fall of the edge. Apokalypsis: Therion will deal damage in a straight line down the arena.Have AoE heals ready for this attack, and ensure you aren't standing behind the boss. Shadow Wrack: Deals damage to all players and engulfs the platform behind the boss in fire.Each of Therion's attacks are listed below. This battle will take place on a long arena with smaller platforms on its sides, which will periodically be destroyed throughout the fight. As long as there is a meteor between you and the boss, you will be safe from this attack. To avoid this attack, move behind one of the meteors that were dropped earlier. The Final Sky will deal massive damage to all players and debuff them. The Final Sky: The First Beast will move to a random side of the arena and begin casting this attack.While avoiding the proximity AoE of Meteor Rain, avoid the AoE of Falling Sky by finding a safe spot. Falling Sky: As the meteors drop from Meteor Rain, The First Beast will cast this attack, creating two more large AoEs randomly in the arena.Have all affected players spread out to separate corners of the arena, then quickly move as far away from the meteors as you can get. After a short delay, meteors will land on the position the marked players were last standing, creating proximity AoEs in those locations. Meteor Rain: Marks three players with a large AoE.The Tank should face the boss away from the rest of the party to avoid them being hit with this attack. Venomous Breath: The First Beast will spray a cloud of venom in a cone to its front, dealing damage and inflicting poison to hit players.This boss will use a lot of AoE attacks, so get ready to dodge. The First Beast is the first boss of Amaurot.